Edmonton Headlines: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
What to do at those LRT stations
Let’s talk about stalled plans. The City is asking you what it should do with the Northlands Coliseum site and the surrounding area. Yes, it’s a question that should have been asked years ago when a new arena was approved for the downtown, but never mind all that. If you can remember what you would have told the City in 2013, now is the time to act! (It also means that previous plans related to making the old arena a hockey hub might not be looking so good.)
Seriously though, it’s actually quite important what we end up doing with the old arena and the massive site that surrounds it. It’s right on top of an LRT stop and could become a hub of sorts, whether that means we turn it into a transit-oriented neighbourhood development, or a sports and event space. That’s so much land in the middle of our city, let’s try not to waste the opportunity. Like we have been doing for more than four years now…
Way down at the other end of the Capital Line, the Century Park development is getting back on track. It stalled out when the recession turned south and the developer behind the project is proposing some changes to the plans that were previously approved. This includes a reduction in parking! Of course, Edmonton is so in love with parking that it’s going to keep checking in on things every time a new building goes up. Why can’t we just trust that not everyone needs a car, or two cars or parking spots for everyone that could possibly visit them?
Good for city council for building in some penalties if things stall out again though. We need to see more of this from the City in order to keep empty lots, and lacklustre parking lots from eating up good space for years.
I still kind of miss that big pile of dirt though…
ICYMI: residents in Century Park are upset over a giant dirt pile. Listen in here http://t.co/qaw9IOCuiB #cbc pic.twitter.com/lb1cJZGTzh
— CBC Edmonton (@CBCEdmonton) September 22, 2014
Around the city
Edmonton city councillors are having their pay reviewed because of changes from the federal government that eliminate the tax-free portion of their salaries. They normally get their salaries reviewed by an independent committee every six years, and this is coming in between the regularly scheduled reviews.
Are dandelions really that big of a problem? Is this just going to be the new thing everyone complains to the City about, like potholes and snow removal?
A lot of Edmonton students who take public transit are going to see rebates to cover the cost of transportation.
A new program is keeping people out of the remand centre by helping them figure out the bail system after they’re charged, instead of days later, after they’ve spent time locked up. Doing the math mentioned in the story, for all the people it’s helped so far, if they were kept out of remand for two to three days they would have spent there, the program has already saved the provincial justice system the cost of the program. It’s obviously something that needs to be expanded.
Edmonton’s largest “lake” is in need of some major work. A little further northwest of that, the Sturgeon River always seems to be in need of help to stay clean.
Other interesting things
Alberta separatists are a real thing now. Or, at least a semi-legitimate thing. Definitely a ridiculous thing.
I’m not sure why Metro Edmonton doesn’t post writer Danielle Paradis’ columns each week, but she often has excellent takes on our city, including her latest on Indigenous stories needing to go beyond the 4Ds. It’s an important reminder for all of us in this social-sharing world, and doubly-so for us journalists and storytellers.
Postmedia Alberta’s major daily newspapers are highlighting their top 150 Albertans in the lead up to Canada Day.
Public engagement
City Council continues their meeting today, beginning at 9:30 a.m. You can see the agenda online. The meeting will also stream live from council chambers.
The City has two interactive workshops happening at the Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre, related to the Edmonton Seniors Centres Strategy and Advancing Age Friendly Edmonton, both running 4-8 p.m.
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