Mill Woods Mall Evolution
Big changes in southeast Edmonton
Mill Woods Town Centre is preparing for the eventual connection to Edmonton’s LRT line, proposing the mall site become a mixed-use neighbourhood unto itself.
If you’re interested in seeing what the plan currently looks like, you can check it out this Thursday, March 16, at the Mill Woods Library. This will be the second open house for the project, after the first look for the community last May.
Plans include putting around 1,700 units of housing on the site (in a mix of row housing, mid and high-rise buildings), increasing the size of commercial space available, building city streets and back lanes and moving the transit centre to the LRT station.
There are two planning issues at play with the redevelopment of the mall. Obviously, the LRT is going to connect the Mill Woods neighbourhood to downtown Edmonton (finally!). And, let’s be honest, malls are a dying breed – at least when considering how many a city really needs and what they need to look like or provide in the future.
This would actually be our city’s second mall site to be transformed after a major transit connection. Century Park was home to the old Heritage Mall, which closed prior to the LRT making its way to south Edmonton.
The Mill Woods Town Centre open house is Thursday, March 16, 4:30 – 8:30 p.m, at the Mill Woods Senior and Multicultural Centre (on the second floor of the Mill Woods Library).