Edmonton Headlines: Friday, March 10, 2017
Enoch inside of Edmonton
Edmonton and the Enoch Cree Nation are signing a historic agreement to work together on an urban reserve inside city limits. As the story notes:
This is an excellent idea for Edmonton, which has the second largest urban Indigenous population in Canada (Winnipeg is currently first). And this is a good step forward toward reconciliation efforts to better acknowledge everyone that lives in the Edmonton area and include Treaty 6 peoples in more economic opportunities.
Around the City
107 Avenue looks to be one of the worst places to cross the street, as it has three intersections on the City’s list of most-needed safety upgrades for people walking. There are 380 crosswalks in need of safety improvements, and the Community and Public Services Committee will be taking a look at those next week. There looks to be about enough money to improve the 70 crosswalks most in need of upgrades.
In what might be the future of schools in mature neighbourhoods, communities in the northwest are hearing about their options for consolidating students from four existing schools. It’s definitely a better plan than just closing schools and busing kids across the city.
Edmonton film, video and gaming creators have a new champion to bring work here, in the Edmonton Screen Industries Office.
Crime Beat
Everyone’s covering the arrest of a man wanted in a brutal attack on another driver. Edmonton Police have found their suspect and laid a number of charges, including attempted murder.
This will be one to watch: an Edmonton Police officer killed a man after a traffic stop. No details as of this writing about who the police officer shot.
Edmonton courts will find themselves with some new hires soon, as the provincial government brings on extra crown prosecutors and support staff to keep up with case backlog. There’s an excellent counterpoint in this story from the Edmonton Journal that Legal Aid is going to need more money too, because things aren’t moving any faster if only one side of a case has staff and resources.
Time marches on
Edmonton isn’t done with chain music stores yet. We’ll be getting two Sunrise Records to replace HMV locations. They’ll be at West Edmonton Mall and Londonderry Mall.
The guys behind Alberta having Daylight Saving Time aren’t ready to give up the fight. (They could show a little more respect to the MLA examining a potential change though.) The story has a good look at the history of changing our clocks in Edmonton and Alberta, including Edmonton’s rogue play to have our own timezone.
Civic Engagement
Nothing today, but there’s an Imagine Jasper Avenue drop-in session on Saturday, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Oliver School.